The reconstruction of life history traits, such as growth rate, age at maturity and age at death can be estimated from the histological analysis of long bones. Here, we studied 20 long bones (metapodials, tibia and femora) of Sivatherium hendeyi and Giraffa cf. Giraffa jumae recovered from the Miocene–Pliocene locality of Langebaanweg on the West Coast of South Africa. We analysed the long bone histology and growth marks of juvenile and adult specimens of these taxa. Our results show that bone tissue types and vascular canal orientation varies during ontogeny, as well as between the different skeletal elements, and also across single cross sections of bones. Majority of our specimens appear to be still growing, with only an adult metacarpal of S. hendeyi being skeletally mature as indicated by the presence of an outer circumferential layer. We propose that the growth marks preserved in the cortices of the bones studied are most likely related to multiple catastrophic events as opposed to being annual/seasonal.