New fossils of Giraffoidea (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) from the Lothidok Formation (Kalodirr Member, Early Miocene, West Turkana, Kenya) contribute to our understanding of early giraffoid diversity
Excavations at Kalodirr and Moruorot from the Lothidok Formation (ca. 17 mya) in the West Turkana Region of Kenya have yielded several cranial appendages, dentitions and postcranial fossils that can be attributed to either Climacoceratidae or the Giraffidae. An additional unusual and unique fossil, we describe in this paper for the first time, is, in our opinion, a novel stem-giraffoid cranial appendage. The Climacoceras from Kalodirr is the oldest representative of the genus, extending Climacoceratidae into the Early Miocene. We