Interactions between large African browsers and thorny Acacia on a wildlife ranch in Kenya

Some plants respond to browsing with compensatory regrowth of plant tissues and with increased thorn growth. Associations between browsers and their preferred forage were examined through wandering quarter vegetation sampling and observational studies in an effort to understand how some plants respond to browsing by large African herbivores. Acacia seyal (n = 2680) A. drepanolobium […]

Social organization and behaviour of giraffe in Tsavo East National Park

Social organization and behaviour of giraffes were studied in Tsavo East National Park, Kenya, by means of road strip counts and observations of individually known animals. Most groups comprised of one to ten animals, with a maximum of thirty‐five and a mean of 3.8. Group size and composition varied locally to some extent. Single adult […]

Not all ants are equal: obligate acacia ants provide different levels of protection against mega-herbivores

In obligate ant–plant mutualisms, the asymmetric engagement of a single plant species with multiple ant species provides the opportunity for partners to vary in their behaviour. Variation in behaviour has implications for the interactions with third-party species such as herbivores. This study assessed the effect of obligate ant mutualists (Crematogaster mimosae, Crematogaster nigriceps and Tetraponera […]

Assessment of the woody vegetation of Ol Choro Oiroua, Masai Mara, Kenya

The woody vegetation of the Ol Choro Oiroua Wildlife Management and Conservation area was surveyed. The species present, their size and the vertical distribution of their canopy were recorded. These parameters were then used to determine the percentage cover of woody vegetation at different heights, and the potential productivity of the trees and shrubs in […]

Range movements of giraffe in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia

The range movements of a small population of giraffe in the Luangwa Valley in eastern Zambia were studied over a period of 4.5 years. The majority of the adults of both sexes were found to move over distances in excess of 40 km though only two, both males, moved farther than 50 km. The average […]

Giraffe birth locations in the South Luangwa National Park, Zambia: site fidelity or microhabitat selection?

Birth site location can have enormous implications for female reproductive success. Some ungulate species demonstrate consistent birth site fidelity, while others shift birth locations during their lifetimes as a function of ecological and social factors. We plotted 39 years of birth records from a wild population of Thornicroft’s giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis thornicrofti, to test the […]

The composition and function of all-male herds of Thornicroft’s giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis thornicrofti, in Zambia

Temporary all-male social groups are formed in a number of animal species. We examined 34 years of data collected from 36 male Thornicroft’s giraffe in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia, to test a set of predictions related to five possible functions of all-male herds (predator protection, practicing aggressive skills, prolonging life, nutritional demands and resource learning). […]

The behaviour of giraffe giraffa camelopardalis in the eastern transvaal

The giraffe in South Africa live entirely in the Eastern Transvaal, a lowveld region primarily of grass or veld with scattered bushes and low trees. The giraffe browse on a wide variety of trees in the spring and fall when few leaves are available, but in summer when all the trees are in foliage they […]