How social relationships of female giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) change after calving

Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) social structure is described as a fission–fusion society (Bercovitch & Berry, 2009; Shorrocks & Croft, 2009), wherein mother–daughter pairs and specific adult female dyads form strong, continuous social relationships (Bercovitch & Berry, 2013; Carter et al., 2013). Bercovitch & Berry (2013) found that in addition to related individuals, peers are more likely to establish herds than nonpeers. These nonkin relationships may be formed at an early stage through shared membership in a creche (Carter et al., 2013). However, systematic studies of the ways in which female giraffe social relationships change after giving birth are absent from the literature. Here, we present observations that contribute towards filling this knowledge gap.

Publish DateMay 7, 2020
Last UpdatedJanuary 30, 2021
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