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Challenges To Animal Welfare During Transportation Of Wild Mammals: A Review (1990–2020)

Wild mammal transport is an important component of conservation translocation as well as the economic wildlife trade. This article reviews the physiological responses to transport that have been measured in wild mammalian species, factors associated with these responses, and interventions that have been applied to mitigate these responses. By organizing the literature review along the ‘‘five domains model’’ of animal welfare, namely, the physical-functional domains (nutrition, environment, health, behavior) and the mental domain (mental state), it can be demonstrated that

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Giraffe Translocation From Aberdare Country Club To Sera Wildlife Conservancy

The giraffe population among other species in Aberdare Country Club (ACC) sanctuary has been viewed by the management to exert unhealthy pressure to the habitat. Kenya Wildlife Service was informed of this situation and sent a team of scientists to carry out a rapid assessment and come up with recommendations. The team concluded that, since 1988 when the giraffes were introduced into the sanctuary there has been a steady increase in their population and subsequently this impacted negatively on the

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Bringing Angolan giraffe back to Angola – is it feasible in Iona National Park, Angola?

Understanding whether giraffe will survive in Iona NP might seem obvious, considering that the area is likely part of their former natural range. However, research on re-introductions suggests that historical occurrence, or a superficial look at the introduction site, is not enough to ensure success. Feasibility studies provide essential information on the current state of the habitat and other social, economic, and ecological factors. A feasibility study is especially important when a long time has elapsed since the extinction of

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Assessment of the feasibility to reintroduce Angolan giraffe (Giraffa giraffa angolensis) into Iona National Park, Angola focusing on habitat and social suitability

Giraffe (Giraffa spp.) numbers and distribution have shown dramatic decline (>30%) over the past 30 years. A century ago, the population size in the wild was estimated at >1 million individuals. At present, there are approximately 117, 000 individuals remaining, of which 50% are throughout southern Africa. This rapid decline is mainly thought to be due to habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation, and sporadic poaching and civil unrest ravaging many African countries. As a result of this decline, giraffe was

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Assessment of the success of translocation of giraffe to Sera Wildlife Conservancy based on one-year of post release monitoring

In August 2008, 23 reticulated giraffe were successfully moved from Aberdare Country Club to Sera Wildlife Conservancy. The giraffe were held in a temporary boma at Kauro headquarters for approximately six weeks before being released at the end of September. To facilitate post-release monitoring, individual identification photos and names were determined for 8 giraffe and 3 giraffe were fitted with bridle-type radio collars. Two Sera scouts were trained in post-release monitoring including, individual identification, feeding behaviour, radio-tracking and data collection

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Movement Patterns And Home Range Sizes Of The Rothschild’s Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis Rothschildii) Translocated To Ruma National Park, Kenya.

The need for management of small, wild populations has been given limited attention. The Rothschild’s giraffe is poorly represented in East Africa, therefore, it is important that its populations and environments should be carefully managed to permit its survival. The objective of this study was to determine the movement patterns and home range sizes of the translocated Rothschild’s giraffes in Ruma National Park. Using binoculars, the giraffes were located, aged and sexed. Individuals were recognized by variations in their skin

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A note on the feasibility of introducing giraffe to the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park

During several visits to the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (KGNP) the introduction of giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis to the Park was discussed. This note has been prepared to provide some background information for an eventual decision to be taken. Species are usually only introduced into South African national parks if they occurredd there within historical times (Penzhorn 1971). However, the suitability of the habitat for the particular species should also be considered.

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A Journey of Giraffe – A practical guide to wild giraffe translocations

This manual is designed to give practical guidelines to wildlife and game capture teams, veterinarians and conservation managers for the translocation of giraffe in the wild. With an increasing number of giraffe translocations occurring throughout Africa, this manual provides base level requirements to undertake a translocation following an appropriate assessment of its purpose. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Guidelines for Reintroductions and Other Conservation Translocations (IUCN/SSC 2013) clearly outline the processes involved when assessing and planning

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Social preferences of translocated giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa) in Senegal: Evidence for friendship among females?

Giraffe social behaviour and relationships are currently in the period of scientific renaissance, changing the former ideas of nonexisting social bonds into understanding of complex social structures of giraffe herds. Different giraffe subspecies have been studied in the wild and only one was subject of detailed study in captivity. Our study focused on the neglected Cape giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa). We investigated the social preferences of 28 introduced giraffes in semi-captivity in Bandia reserve, Senegal. Our aim was to assess

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The diet selection, habitat preferences and spatial ecology of relocated giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

Old records and historic eyewitness accounts of giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) in the Kalahari, led to the decision by park management to reintroduce giraffe in 1991. Twenty years ago (1991) the translocation of 8 giraffe from the Etosha National Park took place to an area in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park which there is limited information as to their adaptation success or potential impact on the environment. The giraffe was transported to a specially built boma measuring a few hundred hectares in

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